Cats in the Cradle
I’m going to do it again. I’m going
to not be funny. I know I promised a
slightly humorous take on things, but as soon as I said so, things took a turn
for the serious. Today, I have only an
observation that leaves me with questions.
Last week, a cat met an unfortunate end. You can read about it here. As it turns out, a wrinkle in Missouri animal
abuse laws forecloses any criminal charge against the cat’s owners. Once word of the cat’s demise got out, it
spread like wildfire. Facebook lit
up. Online petitions acquired over 1200
signatures. Candlelight vigils were
held. The switchboard was clogged with
concerned citizens. People responded
passionately in whatever way they thought best.
During the same week, a man was charged with trafficking for the
purpose of sexual exploitation. In the last few weeks, defendants have been
charged, pled or been found guilty of rape, statutory rape and child
molestation among other things. There is a STILL an unsolved case in which an infant was put in a plastic shopping sack and left on the side of the road. No Facebook posts. No online petition. No candlelight vigil. Why?
Don’t get me wrong. I’m not
trying to minimize what was done to this animal. What is legal and what is right are not
always the same thing. It seemed to me
an interesting contrast though. How is
it that the death of a cat elicits a more active, passionate response than
the exploitation of our children, or sexual violence?
Show me what a society finds outrageous, and I can tell you what that
society values.